PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells

Funding to provide rebates to for eligible private well owners to for installing a treatment system or connecting to a public water system.

The PFAS Removal Rebate for Private Wells Program provides rebates to private residential well owners of up to $5,000 to assist in the installation of a treatment system designed to remove per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) or up to $10,000 for a service connection to a public water system. 

Who can apply?

Applicants are limited to owners of residential properties in the state of New Hampshire that use a drinking water well impacted by PFAS and have not been offered or are not being provided alternate water, temporary or permanent, from a potentially liable third party.

How do I apply?

Applicants may apply online, by mail, email or hand-delivery. An electronic application form, along with a printable form, is available.

Applications will be accepted for the duration that program funding is available. A separate application is required for each residential address. Applications must be submitted within 12 months of the treatment system or installation or service connection completion.

Is my drinking water well impacted by PFAS?

Applicants must be able to provide documentation in accordance with applicable EPA analytical methods of PFAS concentrations in the drinking water well at the residential property above one or more of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) below. The water sample demonstrating the well is impacted by PFAS must have been collected within three years prior to the treatment system installation or service connection completion. 

Compound MCL in ng/L (nanograms per liter, also expressed as parts per trillion, ppt)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 4.0
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 4.0
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) 10
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 10
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA, commonly known as GenX Chemicals) 10

Please note the above values do not reflect the current NHDES Ambient Groundwater Quality Standards (AGQS) and only reflect eligibility criteria for the PFAS Removal Rebate for Private Wells Program.

What costs are eligible for a rebate?

Costs associated with one of the following remedies for treating or addressing PFAS: 

  1. Installation of a point-of-entry (POE) treatment system; 
  2. Installation of one or more point-of-use (POU) treatment system(s); OR a service connection to a public water system, including a
  3. Service connection completed after installation of a previously eligible POE or POU(s).

Sampling and Analytical costs associated with laboratory testing in accordance with applicable EPA analytical methods that demonstrate:

  1. The drinking water well is impacted by PFAS within three years prior to the treatment system installation or service connection completion. 
  2. The effectiveness of the treatment system(s) in treating PFAS. 

Costs associated with installing pre-treatment to remove the following, if no such pre-treatment already exists at the property: 

  1. Iron and/or manganese where source water concentrations are greater than the NHDES secondary maximum contaminant levels (SMCLs,) when installed in conjunction with a carbon or resin based POE; 
    • The SMCLs are:
      • Iron = 0.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L)
      • Manganese = 0.05 mg/L
  2. Radon where radon the source water contamination is greater than 4,000 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) when installed in conjunction with a carbon-based POE; and 
  3. Hardness where the source water concentration is greater than 150 (mg/L) when installed in conjunction with a reverse osmosis POU.  

The following are not eligible costs:

  1. Post installation operation and maintenance of the above items. 
  2. Sampling and analytical costs associated with pre-treatment determination outlined above.

What documents will I need to apply? 

  • A complete and signed application.
  • A report of analytical laboratory testing in accordance with applicable EPA analytical methods that demonstrates the residential private drinking water well is impacted by PFAS within three years prior to the treatment system or service connection completion – not required if NHDES collected this sample. 
  • Copies of itemized sales receipt(s)/invoice(s) for eligible costs. 
  • Manufacturer specification sheets for treatment media and equipment installed, if applicable. 
  • A report of post-treatment analytical lab testing in accordance with applicable EPA analytical methods that demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment system(s) in treating PFAS – not required for water system connections. 
  • Photo documentation of the treatment installed or service connection. 
  • Where eligible pre-treatment was installed, source water quality results demonstrating concentrations that exceed the respective levels outlined above.

How do I find a treatment installer?

NHDES does not approve or recommend treatment installers for residential wells. It is recommended that owners obtain quotes from multiple treatment installers. A list of New Hampshire Residential Water Systems Service Providers has been compiled by NHDES. This listing does not imply endorsement by NHDES.

Information Item Default Image

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

New Hampshire residents using a private residential drinking water well may request to have their water sampled by NHDES for PFAS at no cost by filling out the PFAS Testing for Private Wells Request Form.

Income-qualified eligibility

An applicant whose total family annual income does not exceed the 24 CFR, Title 24, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) low-income criteria that applies to the county or metropolitan statistical area where the property is located, may request pre-approval for a rebate for eligible costs to be distributed directly to a treatment installer or contractor. Applicants may obtain a pre-approval request form by contacting the PFAS Response Team. 


An applicant wishing to waive a requirement of the program must submit a request in writing. Applicants may obtain a waiver request form by contacting the PFAS Response Team. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a paper application form?

If you prefer a paper application form, you may download the form by visiting the NH Online Forms System. There is an option at the bottom of this landing page to “Download Mail-in Form.” Alternatively, please email or call Kathryn “KC” Moran at (603) 271-8539 to request a form be mailed to you.

Do I need to have PFAS concentrations above the U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) to be eligible?

Yes, there needs to be documented PFAS concentrations above one or more of the EPA MCLs outlined above in the source water collected from the private residential drinking water well within three years prior to the treatment system installation or service connection completion.

If I receive bottled water or treatment from a third party that may be responsible for the PFAS contamination, am I eligible for the rebate?

A property receiving bottled water, an alternative source of drinking water, has had treatment installed and maintained, or has had an offer for any of the above by a third party is not eligible for the rebate.

Am I eligible for the rebate if I receive my water from a community water system?

Community public water systems are regulated by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau and are required to treat for PFAS that exceed the NHDES standards to remain in compliance. Residents of public water systems are not eligible for the rebate. There are other funding sources to assist these water systems with drinking water remediation.

What is the maximum rebate I can receive?

The maximum rebate per residential address is:

  1. Up to $5,000 for POE or POU(s) installation and associated eligible costs; 
  2. Up to $10,000 for a service connection to a public water system and associated eligible costs; OR  
  3.  Up to $10,000 for a service connection to a public water system and associated eligible costs, in combination with a previous rebate for an eligible POE or POU(s).

Can I receive more than one rebate for my residential address?

Rebates will be limited to a single payment per residential address except when:

  1. The applicant has received preapproval under the income qualified eligibility requirements for a rebate to be distributed directly to a treatment installer or contractor and eligible costs have also been incurred by the applicant.
  2. The application is for a service connection where treatment installation has previously been reimbursed through the program.

How long does it take to receive a rebate?

NHDES considers each application in the order in which they are received. Depending on the volume of applications that are received, it may take several months for NHDES to review your application.

If NHDES determines the application is incomplete NHDES shall notify the applicant of the reason(s) in writing. In response to being notified, an applicant may modify or supplement information and submit a new application.

If the application is complete and meets the criteria for reimbursement, NHDES shall provide a rebate for eligible costs and notify the applicant.

Can I receive a rebate for the costs I incurred to have my well sampled?

Yes, if you incurred a cost by sampling your well or by having had your well sampled by someone other than NHDES and you meet all other criteria for the program, it is an eligible cost.

If I have already installed treatment or service connection, can I still apply for the rebate?

NHDES is in the process of adopting administrative rules for the program. Once the rules become effective, rebate applications must be submitted within 12 months of the treatment system installation or service connection completion. NHDES anticipates the rules to go into effect in the spring of 2025. Until the administrative rules go into effect, treatment systems or service connections installed after September 30, 2019, are eligible for the rebate if all other requirements are met.

How do I know what treatment is best for me?

There are multiple treatment options that are effective for the removal of PFAS. The two main treatment options are point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) systems. More information on these can be found at: DWGB-3-25 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in New Hampshire Well Water.

An additional resource to refer to when selecting a treatment option is Selecting the Right Option for You: A Guide to Ensuring Safe Drinking Water.

If I choose to install a POE and a POU treatment system, can I receive a rebate for both?

Both forms of treatment are an acceptable treatment option on their own. The rebate program will cover the expense of either a single POE or multiple POUs. 

I would like to install two POU systems instead of a POE. Could I receive a rebate for more than one POU? 

Costs associated with installing one or more POUs at a single address are eligible for a rebate up to the maximum amount of $5,000. Multiple post-treatment analytical laboratory results may be required if the POU systems are installed on different dates or are of differing make and model. Should multiple post-treatment analytical laboratory results be required, the cost of the required water tests would be considered an eligible cost up to the maximum rebate amount. If you have questions regarding this requirement, please email or call Kathryn “KC” Moran at (603) 271-8539.

Are operations and maintenance costs included?

The intent of this program is to aid with the expense of initial installation and does not include funding for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of the treatment system or service connection. It is important to note that proper O&M of any treatment is essential for effective contaminant removal. The cost of O&M varies with each type of treatment and should be considered when determining which treatment system to install.

Can I treat for more than PFAS if my water has other contaminants?

Your water likely contains other contaminants such as arsenic, uranium, radon, nitrate and bacteria that present health risks and that are naturally occurring or originate from nearby land uses. While it is important for all private well users to test for these contaminants and others using an accredited laboratory to ensure that the water treatment technology selected is effective at removing any contaminants that are present at elevated levels, the rebate program will only cover the eligible costs outlined above.

What qualifies for pre-treatment installed in conjunction with my PFAS treatment system?

Replacement of existing treatment systems is not considered an eligible cost. The program will provide a rebate for new treatment systems installed at the time of eligible PFAS treatment to address the contaminants outlined above. 

How do I obtain the required post-treatment sample?

NHDES is not performing post-treatment sampling at this time. You may either employ the company that installed your treatment to collect a sample or refer to this list of labs that can assist: Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) for Private and Public Drinking Water Supplies.

How do I know if I am income qualified? 

Low-income is defined as 80% of the area median family income criteria that applies to the county or metropolitan statistical area where the property is located as calculated by HUD. An applicant whose total family annual income does not exceed the HUD low-income criteria, may request preapproval for a rebate for eligible costs to be distributed directly to a treatment installer or contractor. 

What happens if I am income qualified?

Only when the applicant has received pre-approval from NHDES will rebates for eligible costs be authorized directly to a treatment installer or contractor, relieving the applicant from paying these costs.

Pre-approvals will be issued in writing and will be valid for 90 days. A completed application must be submitted to the Program within 90 days of receiving a pre-approval to ensure funding will be available to provide a rebate directly to a treatment installer or contractor for eligible costs. Completed applications will be considered in the order in which they are received. If an applicant received pre-approval from NHDES and the rebate application is complete and meets the criteria for reimbursement, NHDES shall provide a rebate for eligible costs directly to the treatment installer or contractor.

What is a vendor number?

To receive payment of a rebate, all applicants must register as a vendor with the State of New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services. This registration supplies you with a vendor number that must be included on the rebate application form. You can obtain a vendor number by visiting the Vendor Resource Center. Please follow this guidance on Utilizing the Online Vendor Registry.

Where do I go for more information?

If you have additional questions, please contact the PFAS Rebate Team at or (603) 271-8539.

For questions regarding the issuance of Form 1099-G related to the PFAS Removal Rebate, please see the information below.

NHDES accepts applications online (preferred), as well as by mail, email or hand-delivery. An electronic version, along with a printable form, is available at the link below. A paper copy is available upon request. 

Application form 

Applicants must register with the New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services (NHDAS) and obtain (or already have) a Vendor Number for NHDES to distribute a rebate. Please refer to the guidance below on how to complete the registration for a Vendor Number.

Using the Online Vendor Registration Guidance   

Contact Information

PFAS Response Team
(603) 271-8539